
What can Diosma Consultancy do for you?

Diosma Consultancy and Associates help businesses, organisations and associations realise their optimal organisational effectiveness through business process analysis, identifying workforce development and planning to address organisational training needs.

How do we do this?

Our extensive network and intricate knowledge of the education (particularly the VET sector) can help you and your organisation navigate the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system to put you in touch with the right advice and right contacts to enhance your organisational capabilities.

Company strengths and core competencies

Diosma Consultancy and Associates have extensive senior VET management experience in major commercial and NFP organisations. All associates bring senior management experience, expertise and network contacts established with state and federal government agencies, industry bodies, statewide, national and international research and public and private RTO agencies.  Diosma Consultancy and Associates have particular systems and process analysis expertise based on the importance of managing successful student and customer engagement throughout organisations’ value chain. 

 Diosma demonstrates core attributes (including high existing credibility) through the following:

  • Over 50 years combined experience in senior and middle management in large metropolitan and regional VET providers
  • Experience in strategic planning across public, private and NFP providers
  • Expertise in financial planning and resource alignment and sourcing
  • Intellectual capacity to identify and clearly articulate position in market place
  • Clarity and simplicity in operational plan development and implementation
  • Integrity of process and communication
  • Extensive established network connections across the national VET sector

Core Product

Diosma Consultancy and Associates provide a one stop integrated VET consultancy service supporting organisational strategic planning and positioning, through staff and resource management support to program implementation and assessment support. Key areas of specialisation include:

  • Interpret state and federal Government education and training policy
  • Organisation strategic planning (concept to implementation)
  • Training needs analyses
  • Business process analysis and process improvement linked with critical lead and lag performance measure identification and measurement
  • Project management and project delivery
  • Facility planning (including managing the sourcing and purchase of  plant and equipment)
  • Market analyses and emerging technology research
  • Workforce management advice and support ( from HR planning through to dispute resolution)
  • Specialist education and training program delivery and assessment advice
  • Educational research
  • Professional coaching
  • Executive coaching
  • Conference and seminar  planning and facilitation